Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Phil Davies, Chief Executive of Derby Homes, the organisation that manages Derby City Council’s housing stock, passed away on Tuesday, aged 59. I worked closely with Phil when I was the Chair of Housing in Derby from 1994 to 2000. Phil was a dedicated housing professional who believed in social justice and was a great ally and friend. I will miss him.

Bob Osler, Chair of Derby Homes announced late yesterday that Phil died peacefully in his sleep, surrounded by his family, after being diagnosed with cancer in early June.

Bob said: “Phil was greatly respected in the housing industry and we have received some wonderful messages of support since the news broke across the social housing sector. In particular, I feel a comment from one of Phil’s peers in the housing world sums up all our thoughts and feelings at this very sad time:

‘Can I say on behalf of everyone here how sad we are to hear of Phil’s death. He was a fantastic Chief Executive of Derby Homes through good times and bad. I loved talking to him about the communities in Derby, where I grew up. This will leave a big gap and I am sure the whole company will be grieving for him and honouring his achievements. A Derby legend!’

“My sincere thoughts go especially to his family as well as his colleagues at Derby Homes”.

Phil was an inspirational leader for social housing in Derby and across the UK. He led the organisation since its formation in 2002 and in that time has been instrumental in improving the lives of thousands of tenants across the city.

Paul Bayliss, Labour Leader of Derby City Council said: “I had the pleasure and honour of working with Phil Davies for over ten years. He was a dedicated housing professional and instrumental in setting up and leading Derby Homes, and achieving the highest ratings in the UK.  I will miss him, his advice and his good humour.  My thoughts are with his family at this time.”

Last year, Phil saw Derby Homes secure a new ten year contract with Derby City Council to continue to manage homes in the city. Phil will be sadly missed by family, colleagues and all who knew him.

RIP Phil - You were a good man who made a difference.

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