Friday, 14 June 2013


THOUSANDS of dads in Derby are celebrating Father’s Day with cards, presents and quality time with their families.

But too many fathers struggle to make the most of their time with their children because as a country, and as a society, we fail to offer enough support for families.
In Government, Labour introduced many changes that made a real difference to family life Derby such as 18 Sure Start centres in every neighbourhood in the city.  We also brought in statutory paternity pay and extra help for mothers, but the current Tory-led Government is making it harder for parents to spend enough quality time with their children.

The Tories’ economic failure is making life worse for families, with prices rising faster than wages and living standards falling faster than ever – adding to the pressure families are under.
Many local parents tell me they have two main priorities: their family, and a job that enables them to improve their family’s standard of living.  But many feel that the Tories have let them down on both fronts: no support for parents and falling living standards.  Confirmation of the crass decision to build trains in Germany rather than here in Derby for the Thameslink line reinforces the sense of betrayal.

The Government has sent out a clear message: ‘we’ve got nothing to offer you’.  Families have already lost up to £1,500 in childcare support through cuts to tax credits, funding for Sure Start is being curtailed and the Government’s childcare policies are in chaos.  So much for David Cameron’s promise to make Britain the most family-friendly country in Europe.
I know families need more support which is why Labour is exploring ways of easing the pressures parents face.  Father’s Day gives us an opportunity to concentrate minds on how to involve both parents in family life as much as possible.

That’s why Labour is looking at ways to offer flexible childcare that meets the needs of working parents and is affordable, helping to ease the pressure on family budgets.
There is still much to be done to help increase the quality of family life for each parent.  Both men and women want fulfilling home and working lives but mothers still tend to be pushed into the home and fathers into work. Too often that has meant women stopping working and men unable to spend enough time with their children.  This needs to change.

We need a new approach that provides both parents with the opportunity to truly balance their working life with their family life.


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