Thursday, 20 September 2012


As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they voted to cut taxes for millionaires while asking millions to pay more.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they voted to increase VAT to 20% despite their pre-election opposition to a VAT rise.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember their support for the Tories has pushed the UK economy into a double dip recession.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they voted for measures that’s led to youth unemployment rising to over a million.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they’ve presided over 247% increase in youth unemployment in the last year.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they betrayed young people by voting to treble tuition fees to £9,000.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they’re supporting the Tories to impose biggest cuts in school budgets since the 1950s.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they have backed cuts to Sure Start.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they’re backing cuts to childcare support, with some families losing up to £1,500 a year.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they’ve cut at least 15k police officers after promising 3k more police on the beat.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they have joined the Tories in cutting Winter Fuel Payments for elderly people.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember Nick Clegg says he wants to consider cutting free TV license and free bus pass for pensioners.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they have joined the Tories in slashing tax credits for working families.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they’re making families with kids pay double what banks are paying to reduce deficit.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they voted to impose the biggest top-down reorganisation of the NHS in its history.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they have severely damaged Britain’s renewable energy industry.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they’ve let the UK fall from 3rd to 7th in G20 for investment in low carbon technology.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember energy bills have soared under two Lib Dem energy and climate change secretaries.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they’ve broken their manifesto promise to cut train fares by 1% each year in real terms.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they have allowed train fares to rise by up to 11% each year.

As the Lib Dems meet for their conference remember they’d speed up infrastructure improvements but it’s virtually ground to a halt.

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