Wednesday, 30 May 2012


The coalition government has performed another embarrassing u-turn on plans to destroy buzzard nests in order to protect pheasant shoots. The controversial proposals which involved spending £375,000 of public money on controlling birds of prey have now been shelved.

This is yet another example of the coalition proving how out of touch it is with public opinion.

How these plans made it off the drawing board is a mystery, even for this out of touch and predominantly pro-bloodsports Government. To think the general public would support spending hundreds of thousands of pounds destroying a native bird species to protect a non native bird reared for shooting purposes is ludicrous.

It is another example of this Government’s warped priorities. Not content with giving massive tax cuts to millionaires, they wanted to use public money to indulge the well-heeled green welly brigade’s penchant for blasting live targets for fun.

But the Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs said the u-turn was made “in light of public concerns expressed in recent days”. It came to light following the announcement that documents produced by the Government acknowledged that it was actually unknown how many pheasant chicks were taken by buzzards and the decision was based on anecdotal evidence. You couldn’t make it up.

League Against Cruel Sports CEO, Joe Duckworth said: “It is a huge relief that this ridiculous decision has been overturned, but one can only wonder what madness will come next from the department supposedly tasked with protecting our rural environment.”

DEFRA has confirmed it will look at developing new research on buzzards before a further decision is taken.

1 comment:

  1. This is very good news. It was perverse that after so much work done in recent years to reverse the decline in birds of prey this government wanted to start destroying buzzard nests so that its friends could stomp round the country shooting pheasants.
    Now it needs to take urgent steps to protect hen harriers before they become extinct in England.
