Wednesday, 10 February 2010


LIBERAL Democrat council leader Hilary Jones is coming under more pressure to push forward plans for an energy generating plant on the River Derwent after the Environment Agency gave the proposals the green light.

The Longbridge Weir Hydro Power Plant would use power generated by the river for nearby public buildings, reducing Derby's carbon emissions and saving Council Tax payers money through reduced energy bills.

Fears that the Environment Agency could pull the plug on the scheme have now been ended after planners at the council received a letter confirming there would be no objection.

It was the Derby Labour Group that first came up with the plans, and I have now written again to Mrs Jones demanding action.

Concerns about any issues the Environment Agency could or might raise have been bandied about for long enough. The agency's answer is clear: they don't have a problem with this scheme.

What we now need is for Derby City Council's Liberal Democrat cabinet to at last demonstrate some leadership and get this thing moving.

They've been dawdling along for far too long but there could be no greater incentive than the savings, carbon and cash, that this scheme would bring.

The Longbridge scheme was first conceived after Labour made a commitment to cut Derby's carbon emissions by 25 per cent inside five years.

The current Lib Dem administration has since reduced that target, aiming for a three per cent reduction this year.

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