Monday, 26 October 2009


The Lib Dem Council leader, Hilary Jones, has been summoned to the Council’s Climate Change Commission to explain why the council hasn’t already signed up to reduce its carbon emissions next year.

And the Derby Climate Change Group has also written to her demanding an explanation.

The Lib Dems’ party conference backed a motion promising that any council run or influenced by the Lib Dems would commit itself to reducing carbon emissions by 10% in 2010.

Speaking at the party's Bournemouth conference, Simon Hughes, the party’s parliamentary energy and climate change spokesman, told delegates that "we cannot start too soon" in reducing emissions.

When Labour ran the council we were working to reduce the council’s carbon emissions by 25% by 2011, but our target has been all but abandoned by this Lib Dem administration.

I had hoped that the commitment by the Lib Dems’ national leadership would have an influence on Derby’s Lib Dems, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears.

In the absence of any leadership from Derby’s hapless Lib Dem councillors, Labour has stepped into the breach to promote this vital campaign.

We will be putting a motion the next full council meeting on November 18 that will seek support for the 10:10 campaign

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